Seated Yoga at Community Rehab Care
Seated Yoga is a wellness program at CRC that is led by licensed Physical Therapists with additional training through the Love Your Brain Yoga Program and Mind Body Solutions. Classes are held via Zoom and in the clinic
What is seated/chair yoga?
Seated yoga takes the principles and positions of mat yoga and performs them in a seated position. This allows the postures to be more accessible to anyone who wants to enjoy the benefits of yoga, but who may have mobility limitations. Chair yoga can be done just about anywhere (even in an office chair)! The focus is on coordination of movement and breath with both sustained postures and flows, where one position transitions into the next along with the breathing.
What are some of the benefits of yoga for individuals with Acquired Brain Injury (ABI)?
There is a lot of evidence for yoga for both mental well being and physical health. In chair yoga, we focus a lot on mindfulness of our breathing and of posture. Many individuals with ABI may experience decreased muscle flexibility, difficulty maintaining good posture, and may be at risk for issues such as back pain due to these concerns. Participation in a regular yoga practice can help to improve muscle length and strength as well as awareness of one's positioning. Chair yoga also provides an opportunity for gentle movement for individuals who may have more difficulty participating in more intense exercises.
What do our clients enjoy about seated/chair yoga?
We have a great group of regular participants in our chair yoga group! Clients have shared that they enjoy the opportunity to have time set aside for mindfulness during the week. Many participants have shared that they feel more flexible and aware of their posture from participating in yoga, and some have reported improvements in back and neck pain and stiffness. The class takes place on Monday mornings and we always take a moment to set an intention for the week, which helps start the week off on the right note.
How big is the group?
Attendance can vary week to week, but on average we have 6 people attending per class.
How much does it cost?
Seated yoga is partially funded by the Statewide Head Injury Program (S.H.I.P) and costs $8 per session.
I’m interested in learning more about Seated Yoga at CRC. What should I do?
Contact the clinic via phone or email and request to join a class! Once you’ve tried out a session, you can then decide if you would like to officially join the weekly classes
Join Seated Yoga at CRC!
Seated Yoga is partially funded by the Statewide Head Injury Program (S.H.I.P.), and is available for anyone with an acquired brain injury. If you are interested in joining call the clinic at 617-744-8300